About Us

Wood Lake Publishing


It has told:

  • The story of the seasons of the earth, the people of God, and the place and purpose of faith in the world
  • The story of the faith journey, from birth to death
  • The story of Jesus and the churches that carry his message.

Wood Lake has been telling stories for 41 years. During that time, it has given form and substance to the words, songs, pictures and ideas of hundreds of storytellers.

Those stories have taken a multitude of forms – parables, poems, drawings, prayers, epiphanies, songs, books, paintings, hymns, curricula – all driven by a common mission of serving those on the faith journey.


Mission Statement

Our mission, undertaken through publishing, is to retrieve, reclaim, and renew the Christian tradition of living radical and inclusive love.


Values statement

We are passionate about supporting and encouraging an emerging form of Christianity, which is rooted in ancient wisdom and attentive to the movement of spirit in our day.

This way is grounded in tradition and requires us to be dedicated to spiritual practice, and to living out our values in the world.

We are open and inclusive, and honour the perennial wisdom found in scripture and in all of the world’s enduring religions.

We affirm the equality of the sexes and the godliness of people of all ages, races, and nationalities.

We understand that humans do not stand apart from creation, but exist within a web of being that is sacred in all its aspects.

We emphasize a spirituality of transformation rather than adherence to doctrine or belief.



Wood Lake Publishing was founded in 1982 by Ralph and Beverly Milton, and Jim and Joan Taylor. Initially a small kitchen-table operation, the company has grown over the past 39 years to become one of Canada’s most respected independent, ecumenical Protestant publishers, with approximately 200 titles in print.

A number of projects have been key to Wood Lake Publishing’s success over the years, including the hymnbook supplement Songs for a Gospel People (1986), and the lectionary-based faith formation curricula Whole People of God (1987-present) and Seasons of the Spirit (2002-present). To this day, Seasons of the Spirit and Whole People of God Online continue on as two of our most popular products and publishing imprints.

In 1996, Wood Lake Publishing established its Northstone imprint as a way to broaden the scope of its content and extend its readership beyond its primarily church-based audience. The Northstone imprint celebrates the meeting of spirituality and “real life” with books about parenting and sexuality, stress and spirituality, health and well-being; and includes the outstanding Spirituality of… series.

In 2006, Wood Lake Publishing identified as an area of interest what has now become a core commitment of the company – the emerging Christian paradigm. To help give voice to the values and concerns of this emergent reality, Wood Lake established its CopperHouse imprint that same year.

Since 1980 when Wood Lake Publishing was first established, ownership of the company has changed three times: first, at the end of 1993, when the Milton and Taylor families sold Wood Lake to the employees of the company; in July of 2009, when the employees transferred their ownership of Wood Lake to a new not-for-profit society called Emerging Christian Way Media Society (ECW Media Society), and again in January 2014 when the society sold Wood Lake to two long-time employees.

Today, Wood Lake is committed to continuing its over 40-year history of bringing readers and faith formation practitioners unique and accessible resources that nurture, inspire, and challenge – essential spirituality for our day.



Wood Lake Publishing acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada. Wood Lake Publishing acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia through the Book Publishing Tax Credit.   

Wood Lake Publishing reconnaît le soutien financier du gouvernement du Canada. Wood Lake Publishing reconnaît le soutien financier de la province de la Colombie-Britannique au moyen du crédit d'impôt pour l'édition de livres.

Seasons of the Spirit ~ Bringing faith to life
Whole People of God
Wood Lake ~ Resources for people of faith
Northstone ~ Where spirituality and real life meet
CopperHouse ~ Transforming Lives